Friday 21 October 2011


Tara loves walks! Whenever you say "Walkies" she will get excited and wait at the front door and wait for you!:) On walks she will sniff about, see her doggy friends:), chase the ball, paddle in the water, chase rabbits and birds(she will NEVER harm them don't worry). Tara gets 3-4 walks each day no matter what the weather is like!

Tara's collar with tag which says:
My surname.

House Phone number.

The reason Tara's name is not on this tag is because if she ever went missing or someone stole her (which i hope never happens!) they will not know her name so they wont come back to them and phone number so if someone finds her they can phone this number and we can know she is safe. We always keep the collar on when on walks but when in the house we take it off.

Tara's lead black and white, but reflects in the dark hoop at the end for you'r hand and clip at the other end to clip onto the collar. 

Poo bags! I take these on walks as i hate it when i'm walking my dog and there is dog poo all over the place and i hate it even more when i stand in it!!! I find it disgusting picking it up:L but it's something that has too be done! If Tara poo's off a path and in a woody are where people don't really walk then i will leave it but when on a path or public place i will pick it up and put it in a bin! I get these from local shops or community centers!;)

Ball thrower this makes tennis balls go much further than if you didn't have one on these. It also saves you picking up the ball with all the doggy saliva. It's very cheap and get them most super markets in the dog sections. Also lasts for years!

Walkie pictures!:)

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